Sweet Mason,
Did I mention how much I adore you? You're my little blue. Littlest. Sweet nugget. You are an adventurer. You are confident. You have that smile. Dimples. Curly hair. If you ever have a sister you better hope she has that hair too, or there will be issues for sure.
You are in a stage of transition. You're not my little baby any more. I've LOVED nursing you. Nursing you has been beautiful, meaningful, and easy (bless God). You are a joy of rest in the midst of a busy day. You made me laugh when you sneezed milk out your nose. You've been adaptable at taking bottles of pumped milk while I've worked out of our home a little bit. You've not been a biter or gone on nursing strikes. You're so sweet and snuggly...
One of these days in the near future you're going to wean. I can tell it's coming. As we're about to lose that special bond, I wanted to just take a moment to remember how much I love being your Mama. I'm not going to mourn the seasons as they change, because I know that with a new season comes new adventures and new special moments. I know that you have to grow and develop and fulfill your destiny. I'm so proud of you.
In this last little bit before you wean, I love scurrying through the dark quiet house, and finding you sitting with Panda Pete and crazy hair - bright eyed and waiting for your mama. I love pulling you out of your crib. I love how you bury your soft face deep into my neck as we walk into the living room and its awaiting soft couch and boppy. I love how you easily fall back to sleep and how I doze until I finally decide to lay you back down. I treasure your internal 5:00 am morning call. I love our quiet times together.
I love you my sweet Blue.