Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I swear sometimes it's as if I can see my children growing and learning.  I'm so thankful that I'm able to be at home with them to direct and observe this process. A guest on 19 Kids and Counting stated that children are like seedlings; they have to be nurtured and protected until they have a strong enough root system to face the elements.  I find this so true.  My M's are vulnerable, mold-able, and smart.  They are learning, even when I don't feel I am teaching.  They take in and accept whatever their precious eyes observe. Lord, help! Help us to be wise parents! Help us to nurture and protect our seedlings to become rooted in YOU, that they might bear fruit that impacts the world!

I'll Never!

In case I haven't mentioned this previously, Marshal ADORES Veggie Tales.  In response, we have quite a collection.  Won't mention any numbers, but let's just say - A LOT.  Before I had kids  (funny how perspectives are so different BEFORE having kids) I ran into one of my friends at a restaurant.  She was there with her family and her then two year old was watching Cars on a small, portable DVD player.  I remember thinking to myself, "I'll NEVER have my kid babysat by a TV - ESPECIALLY in a restaurant." Ha ha ha.  I now think to myself - I'll NEVER be judgmental about the way people deal with their children!  Small, portable DVD players are GOD'S GIFT TO PARENTS!!! Now, before you judge me (did you not just read my above confession???) - I know you can't let kids manipulate you with TV, and I know that there has to be boundaries, and we DO NOT watch too much TV, and we limit how much and what he watches, and I know we have to be the parents, and blah blah blah. BUT, when your toddler will not stop climbing out of the highchair, and he's hit the lady in the booth next to you with a spoon, and packets of crackers and creamer are no longer cutting it (I said don't judge me)..... SIGH.... then there is Veggie Tales - on the DVD player... and there is peace in the world again.  World peace.  In a small, portable DVD player.  Who knew?

He's SAD!

When I was pregnant with Mason, Marshal was very jealous whenever I held other babies.  I mean JEALOUS - like pulling babies off my lap, crying, and throwing himself on the floor jealous.  This made me more than nervous, since Mason was soon on his way.  I had no idea how Marshal would react, especially since he was still a baby himself. 

But all my worries were of no consequence - Marshal loved Mason from the moment he met him. It was really cute, whenever Mason would cry Marshal would cry too.  

Now Mason is nearly five months old, and their friendship is only getting stronger.  Marshal likes to lay on the floor and have Mason lay on his chest.  Marshal wakes up from the night or a nap and straight-away asks, "Bruh-der?" 

It still bothers Marshal when Mason is upset, and lately he's started notifying me (as if I wasn't already so ACUTELY aware) of Mason's tears by yelling, "He's SAD!" Marshal will then run around the house and bring me whatever he's noticed consoling Mason in the past - a blanket, a toy, a binkie, my hooter-hider.  If Mason's crys grow louder, Marshal's exclamation also intensifies - "HEEEEEZZZZ  SAAAAAD!"
One time Mason woke up crying from a nap on my bed, and I walked in to see Marshal on the bed right next to him, holding Mason's face and trying to get low enough onto the bed to hug his neck.  Brothers.  Wow. So special.  So much fun.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

10 Things I Love About My Man: Daddy

(In no particular order...)

1.) I love how you are such an AMAZING daddy.
2.) I love how it seems like you always know just the right thing to do.
3.) I love how you are full of integrity and you are so honest in public and private.
4.) I love your chin, and I like to bite it. (Sorry readers, TMI I'm sure.)
5.) I love how you can ALWAYS make me laugh, even when I'm so mad at you.
6.) I love that you are quick to forgive and don't hold grudges.
7.) I love that you prioritize me and the boys.
8.) I love that you work really hard, even if you don't get the credit.
9.) I love that you let me pick out your clothes for you. (My life-sized Ken doll.)
10.) I love you more today than ever.

10 Things I Love About My Boy: Marshal

(In no particular order...)

1.) I love your tender heart.
2.) I love how you count to ten.
3.) I love how you love your brother.
4.) I love that you are daring.
5.) I love your brown eyes.
6.) I love how you do a little hop before you kick a ball.
7.) I love your upper lip.
8.) I love how you say "yes shur" when we sing "I'm in the Lord's army..." and your little salute.
9.) I love that you love people, and make friends so easily.
10.) I love that you love my cooking, and say "Mmmmm!" even during the most basic of meals.

10 Things I Love About My Boy: Mason

(In no particular order...)

1.) I love your amazing blue eyes.
2.) I love the way you laugh when your brother jumps or spins.
3.) I love the birthmark on the top of your head that grows black hair.
4.) I love your gummy grin.
5.) I love how you smell.
6.) I love the way you look at me.
7.) I love how you show your love before you're even able to talk.
8.) I love how your face lights up when you see someone you recognize.
9.) I love your fuzzy hair.
10.) I love that you're such a happy boy.

Spring in the Air

Spring is in the air! There is this underlying sense of anticipation and excitement in my heart as a new season of life blossoms in the trees and flowers around us. Have I mentioned how much I love the park? I think that one day I'll look back on these memories as some of the best times of my life.  Nearly everyday we load up the van (and our "park bag" - stuffed with balls, bubbles, snacks, and sunscreen), head over to our favorite park and just enjoy each other.  The experience has morphed as Marshal has gotten older: I no longer have to play on the equipment with him, he makes new friends almost every time he goes, and recently he ADORES bubbles.  But one thing stays the same: we have fun each and every time.  Today an elderly lady was watching him play as she was walking her dog.  She stopped by and commented, "He's quite a risk-taker, isn't he?" Yes he is - I thought to myself.  And then I thought even harder... I am very careful about words I use to describe my boys, because words are so powerful.  And yes, I think being willing to take a risk is an amazing quality.  I pray that Marshal is a boy (and someday a man) who is willing to step out and take a risk; a risk for his faith, a risk for his family, and a risk to try something new without fear of failure.  I'm proud of you Marshy Jay - you go and live the life of adventure that God has destined for you.  Be willing to take a risk, even if you're the only one.  Be daring. I love you.  Thank you for enjoying life with me today. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Fall

It's funny the things you catch yourself saying as a parent. For example, why do we ask our kids so many questions? "Can you pick up your toys?" "Would you like to take a bath?" "Do you want a spanking?" I realized something I say to Marshal often - "Don't Fall!" He climbs on everything! And has no fear of falling!  Today he showed me just how often I must say it, because throughout play-time he would stand on something (his red toddler-chair, the couch, etc.) and yell, "I FALL! I FALL!" and then he would proceed to jump off, lay his little body on the floor, and say "Ow!"

(This also brings to my remembrance how he started going down slides.  He wouldn't sit, scoot his bottom to the edge of the slide, and push himself off.  He would WALK off the slide until his legs slipped out from under him and then slide the rest of the way down... sheesh, freak me out!)

Blueberries & Grapes

Marshal has loved blueberries for a very long time - an excellent source of nutrients, they were one of his first home-made foods pureed and put in rice cereal.  Now he pops them like candy.  He calls out for them by name "BUberry" whenever he sees them.  Madame Blueberry is also his favorite Veggie Tale, which is convenient.

In addition to blueberries, he has also developed an affinity for grapes, which he terms "BAPES!" He would eat a pound of them if I didn't ration him.  Well yesterday he got so excited as I was washing grapes that he started yelling "BU-BAPES! BU-BAPES!!!" I guess that shows me just how much he really loves those grapes, that he would give them the highest honor of being part of the "BU" family.

Mason's First Haircut

Mason has the cutest little birthmark on the top of his head that grows black hair.  Long story short, we had shaved a patch of hair over the birthmark in order to see if it was his skin that was dark or his hair... (that's what happens when your mom is a Nurse Practitioner - you have to get to the root [no pun intended] of physical issues).  ANYHOO, both his skin and his hair are black in this area.  But after shaving a little spot of his hair, his hair was really disheveled, so we decided to cut it in order to even things out.  So we stuck little Mason in his bumbo on the kitchen table and gave him his first buzz-cut.  So cute!!! Marshal was watching this whole process with great interest.  As we took a step back to gaze at the beautiful boy, Marshal pulled up a chair and started grabbing little locks of hair and trying to stick them back on Mason's head! Fistful by fistful he was picking up the hair and gently pushing/piling it onto his brother's newly trimmed scalp.  Hilarious.

Sweet Nothings

Marshal has a bed-time ritual: pick up toys, brush teeth (including a super-cute rinse directly slurped from the faucet and a mimicked spit), drink of water from the red cup, find Doug-Dog, turn on the humidifier, rock in the rocker, pray/sing, and then lay down to sleep.  You laugh, I know, at so many detailed steps - but it is a fail-proof plan for Marsh's peaceful sleep, which, generally lasts 10-12 hours :) With results like that can you blame me?

Lately after we pray together I have been whispering tender thoughts about him in his ear: "you are so special", "I love you because you are ours", "you are my smart pumpkin", etc...  Well a couple of nights ago after these whispers he kept grabbing my face and smothering his hot little lips up against my cheek - and he was babbling these quiet and sweet words (incomprehensible with the exception of a sporadic "mom", "dad", "blueberry").  I would laugh, and turn my head to not disturb the moment - and he would take his pudgy little hand and pull my face back into his lips and start the sweet-nothings all over again.  He did this multiple times until he finally fell asleep with my face all sweaty and stuck to his face.  Precious boy.  I love your tender heart.