Monday, April 5, 2010

Sweet Nothings

Marshal has a bed-time ritual: pick up toys, brush teeth (including a super-cute rinse directly slurped from the faucet and a mimicked spit), drink of water from the red cup, find Doug-Dog, turn on the humidifier, rock in the rocker, pray/sing, and then lay down to sleep.  You laugh, I know, at so many detailed steps - but it is a fail-proof plan for Marsh's peaceful sleep, which, generally lasts 10-12 hours :) With results like that can you blame me?

Lately after we pray together I have been whispering tender thoughts about him in his ear: "you are so special", "I love you because you are ours", "you are my smart pumpkin", etc...  Well a couple of nights ago after these whispers he kept grabbing my face and smothering his hot little lips up against my cheek - and he was babbling these quiet and sweet words (incomprehensible with the exception of a sporadic "mom", "dad", "blueberry").  I would laugh, and turn my head to not disturb the moment - and he would take his pudgy little hand and pull my face back into his lips and start the sweet-nothings all over again.  He did this multiple times until he finally fell asleep with my face all sweaty and stuck to his face.  Precious boy.  I love your tender heart.

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