Tuesday, April 27, 2010

He's SAD!

When I was pregnant with Mason, Marshal was very jealous whenever I held other babies.  I mean JEALOUS - like pulling babies off my lap, crying, and throwing himself on the floor jealous.  This made me more than nervous, since Mason was soon on his way.  I had no idea how Marshal would react, especially since he was still a baby himself. 

But all my worries were of no consequence - Marshal loved Mason from the moment he met him. It was really cute, whenever Mason would cry Marshal would cry too.  

Now Mason is nearly five months old, and their friendship is only getting stronger.  Marshal likes to lay on the floor and have Mason lay on his chest.  Marshal wakes up from the night or a nap and straight-away asks, "Bruh-der?" 

It still bothers Marshal when Mason is upset, and lately he's started notifying me (as if I wasn't already so ACUTELY aware) of Mason's tears by yelling, "He's SAD!" Marshal will then run around the house and bring me whatever he's noticed consoling Mason in the past - a blanket, a toy, a binkie, my hooter-hider.  If Mason's crys grow louder, Marshal's exclamation also intensifies - "HEEEEEZZZZ  SAAAAAD!"
One time Mason woke up crying from a nap on my bed, and I walked in to see Marshal on the bed right next to him, holding Mason's face and trying to get low enough onto the bed to hug his neck.  Brothers.  Wow. So special.  So much fun.

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