He's five, mind you.
And I gave him some slightly lame explanation about an egg having three parts, but all still being an egg. "Does that make sense?" I asked him. "No, not really," he said.
I was trying to explain to him a concept that has baffled people for ages. I was trying to define an infinite God. Trying to explain the unfathomable. Trying to box into our own understanding that which cannot be understood. In a way, stopping his critically thinking heart from embracing the wonder of God.
I went back to Marsh today. I told him I was sorry. "For what?" He asked. For making it seem like I have God all figured out. "God is big and smart and amazing. And there are lots of things that I can't quite make sense of." And that's what makes God GOD. And that's ok.
And if I think about it... It makes for an amazing adventure. All the things I crave: purpose, love, revelation, the supernatural - are all found in a loving, passionate, and very real God. And I don't understand everything. I don't have to repackage the unknown into something explainable. Actually, in doing so, I take the wonder out of God completely.
But there are some things I DO understand. Like that HE knows and understands EVERYTHING. That he can be trusted, because he is good and because he loves me. I don't have to grasp the ins and out of eternity and the godhead. But wow, what an amazing God. He leaves me in wonder. Awestruck, way-cool, worshipful, wonder.
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