Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Farmer Marsh

Marshal loves to play farmer.  We have like a guhzillion small plastic animals that he likes to herd in, out, and through this plastic barn and silo.  The big giraffe's neck always gets stuck in the door, and it says "Ow ow ow, you must really need a doctor!"  - which is appropriate, and makes us laugh.  He likes to line them all up in a row, and because Marshal bit the hoof off of the elephant, it leans on the animal to its right.

Oh the joys of childhood. 
Simple.  Innocent.  Precious. 

Just Enjoy Now

I'm big on living for the season.

There was a snapshot of time when I had the privilege of working with a really great mom.  It just so happened that she was also a great nurse.  During this season, her young son was sick with a very rare type of cancer. Coincidentally I was pregnant with my first son. 

This mom had some kind of raw and real love for her children.  Somehow, just through conversation, you knew that she loved her husband, and would die for her kids.  For some reason I needed to know her wisdom; I was drawn to her.  I wanted her to teach me how to be THAT kind of mom, even in the face of such frankly painful circumstances.  So one day I asked.  "Give me some advice.  I want to be a mom like you."  Do you know what she said? "I always enjoy the season.  We don't miss the times that are gone and we don't look for the next stage.  Just enjoy now."  Just enjoy now.  Great wisdom from a mom who was living her last season with her son; wisdom that somehow aged her like beautiful patina on weathered copper.

I don't know if she'll ever know how much she impacted me, in many ways.  But I'm thankful she did.

I've been reminded of her words recently.  One of these days my boys will be too big to hold.  They won't want to snuggle.  They'll be embarrassed when we kiss them in front of their friends.  Sure enough, there'll be a season when they don't like Mama and Daddy, or would rather play with someone else.

But that's not today.  Today Marshal loves to be rocked to sleep, with Doug and a blanket.  Today I save the day when I can reach the plastic sheep behind the toy-box.  Today I nurse Mason to sleep and then hold him with his face buried in my neck; his soft and squishy cheek only a head's turn away from mine.  Today I am their playmate, teacher, cook, protector, and audience.  I love today. Today I think I'll just enjoy now.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family Golf


I can't wait.  My sweet M's love each other so much.  They are already friends.  Mason's still a bit tiny to romp, but I have a feeling it won't be long!

Little Birdie's Dirty Feet? No...

I love the bottom of Mason's feet.  They are SO soft.

Big Boys and Highchairs

These are pictures of my M&Ms and their first highchair seats.  As far as I can tell they are just about the same ages, right around six months.  Also, Mason had banana today for the first time! His first solid food - he loved it! A little banana and Mama milk... life's yummy as a baby.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Name Game

Marshal is getting really good at calling people by name.  Especially people he loves and who love him dearly. (But if he doesn't say your name yet, that doesn't mean he doesn't adore you too...don't fret.)  What's funny to me is the names he calls people.  And what especially cracks me up is how he lumps people together by association.  Here's a list of Marshal's name-calling:

Mom - "Mama"
Dad - "Daddy"
Mason - "Brudder"
Grandma Barb - "Mammy"
Grandpa George - "Papa"
Uncle Jack - "Jack"
Aunt Joy - "Jack"
Uncle Jeremy - "Uncle"
Aunt Rachel - "Auntie"
Cousin Riley - "Iley"
Cousin Treyson - "Iley"
Leslie - "Itchy"
Tell - "TELL!!!"
Destiny - "TELL!!!" or sometimes "Des"
Emily - "MuhLEE"
Mary - "Mury"
Becky - "Becky? Tacos?"
Pat - "Pat-Pat"

It's so fun to see him grow and learn and love... well, except that on Sunday morning he decided to hug and kiss sweet little Brooklyn Cristman.  Yes.  Grabbed her little face and laid a wet one on her. Right on the lips.  Right in front of her DADDY!  Sigh.  And so it begins.  (She is awfully cute...)

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Marshal loves animals. In fact he can name and mimic the sounds of many.  One of his favorite toys is his horse, the one on a stick. (You know, the kind you can pretend-ride around the house.)  Well, yesterday (much to my surprise and laughter) he came taring around the corner out of his play-room riding this horse:

I don't' know if you can see how big this little steed is, but he is all of three inches tall?? He had this little plastic pony between his legs and was running around the living room saying, "I RIDE! I RIDE!"

Gid-ee-yup little cowboy.  Love you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

10 Things I Want My Children to Know

10 Things I Want My Children to Know
(of course, in no particular order):

1.) I want my M's to know that they have great value.

2.) I want my M's to know this value is not linked to what they do.

3.) I want my M's to know Jesus.  I mean REALLY know Him, for themselves.

4.) I want my M's to know Mama and Daddy love each other.

5.) I want my M's to know the value of relationships and reconciliation.

6.) I want my M's to know the Word of God.

7.) I want my M's to know they will always be more important than ministry.

8.) I want my M's to know it's okay to not be popular.

9.) I want my M's to know that Mama and Daddy will love them no matter what.

10.) I want my M's to know there is more to live for than this life, and more to this life than what is seen.

I love you sweet Baby M's.

Worley House!

Stop by and visit the Worley House! She's doing a sweet give-away in honor of Mommy Day.  Check it out and also see the pics of her amazing baby Ava here.  Happy early Mother's Day, one of my favorite days of the year!