Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Letter to my Marshal on Your 3rd Birthday

Dear Sweet Marshal Boy -  

Happy third birthday!    I am so proud to be your mama.  You know, when I was pregnant with you I loved you from the second I knew you were in my tummy.  I thought I could never love you more than that precious, miraculous time we had together. But now, I can tell I was wrong.  I think I've loved you more and more each day I've known you.  You are truly amazing.  You are so obedient (thank you for that).  You have a tender and friendly heart.  You make friends everywhere you go.  You are REALLY smart.  You know all kinds of stuff: your ABCs, songs, the days of the week, people's names... and  you have this uncanny ability to know where were are while we're driving (even places you've only been once).  You love to read your Bible and pray.  You are compassionate.  You are sensitive.  You love your family.  You are so special.  Exceptional.

My prayer is that you fulfill the destiny God has for your life.  I pray for your preserved innocence and purity.  I pray that you will continue to trust and love and befriend.  I pray that you would have a deeply rooted love for Jesus; one that's your own.  Be a servant, put others first. 

You've taught me so much about life, God, calling, purpose, seasons, and family.  I love you.  Thank you for being you.  I look forward to seeing the story of your life.  Thank you for being my boy, you make life exciting.  You bring me joy.  I'm so proud of you.


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