Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Mason

I love Mason.

Somewhere along the line I've been taught that I don't want to label my kids.  Rightly so.  At the same time, I've also seen parents with a "difficult" kid have to be isolated, because they're not even allowed to say they're having difficulty because it makes them possibly come across as labeling their child as "difficult". 

Seems like a pretty lonely road.

That being said, Mason is difficult.  Lol.  Gosh I love him.  Did I mention that?  He is smart, and sweet, and amazing.  I believe in him.  He's a good boy.  But I'm not going to candy-coat anything, that's for sure.  He is trying sometimes lots of times. 
All these parenting truths by which I stand so firmly: be consistent,  demonstrate manners, teach quick obedience, discipline out of love not anger or embarrassment, this is a season which will pass... somehow are so much harder to implement with my Mason.  He gives strong-willed a new (very handsome) face.  He is knowingly defiant sometimes lots of times.

I've been consistent now for almost two years.  That's a dang long season.  That's a lot of tantrums.  That's a lot of wondering if I'm doing something wrong.  That's a lot of wondering if there's something wrong with him. 

But here's my conclusion: he is who he is.  He's (almost) two.  He needs to be taught, shaped, and molded.  He is who God created him to be.  Mason has been intrusted to our family for a reason.  Just like I can learn to trust God with other unknowns in my life, I can trust God with my Mason too.  I can't expect him to be a certain way just because it would make for easier parenting, right? He's been crafted to be just the way he is, and someday these weakensses will be his strenghts.  He is strong.  Understatment.  He is persistent.  Rediculously understated.  BUT - when shaped and molded these are gifts that can change his world. 

That's hard to remember when I'm picking him off the floor at Wal-Mart while he's laying there snot-faced, kicking, and yelling, "stop it Mama" after throwing his sippy cup at me. 

But I'm trying.   

I'll try to be consistent. 
I'll try to encourage his good behavior. 
I'll try not to lose my temper and feel like a loser. 

I'll also give myself grace. 
I'll also give him grace.
I'll pray sometimes lots of times.
And pick up the sippy cup.

I fiercy love you Mason Scott.  I'm devoted to you.  I'll do my best to show you Jesus and teach you to be like him.  I'm your biggest fan.  You'll change the world someday.  I'm proud of you already. 

1 comment:

  1. awe, so sweet and honest!

    thank you for this; it's encouraging.
